Below are some guidelines which would help you to find the correct ways for Speed Test Ptcl.

II. It is suggested to pick up that website which belongs to your own country.
III. After that step you have to perform the prospective test. This test takes an informational data file from sender to receiver. Internet Speed is depending on the setup of internet connection of your country. In most countries 2Mbps to 4Mbps is considered a good internet speed.
IV After performing the above mentioned steps the further step is to perform download Speed Test . In the process of downloading speed test internet server (website) sends an information data file to your system. This will determine download speed test of your internet.
V. A further step is to do or perform the upload speed test. The informational file would redirect to a server (website) from your system. When they got data file they will estimate the time interval which is taken by the file to reach the server.
VI. In the last they combine download speed and upload speed at their highest values and show the download and upload speed tests result.
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