Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The New HTC Desire 816 Features

The HTC Desire 816 is an Adreno 305 GPU mobile phone which has fabulous features with 156.6 x 78.7 x 7.99mm. The HTC Desire 816 has 5.5 mm screen with a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels, screen enjoyable, wide, visible and clear display. The HTC Desire 816 provides both cameras to the user, the back camera is 13 MP and front camera is 5 MP. The HTC Desire 816 available in the mobile market in different colors as like Black, White, Orange, mild green, Dark blue and Gray color. The Latest mobile prices inPakistan are very higher than old mobile prices, because latest smart phone provides a large feature to the user.

It is an Adreno 305 GPU mobile phone, and provide large battery timing to the user, the battery quality of this smart phone is 2600mAh, It has 1.5 GB RAM, and internal memory 8GB. The user can also connect on this mobile phone with the help of this some features as like GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE, and WCDMA/ HSPA, and Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi Fi. The user can also search more features about smart phones on different mobile sites as like user can search Q mobile prices on Whichmobile.pk/qmobile-mobiles, where user can search everything about smart phones. The HTC Desire 816 also entertain to the user with a lot of features as like Games, Web Browsing, video recording, Video Songs, Audio Songs, when user getting bore in case user can entertain.
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