Thursday, 3 April 2014

The Simple Example to Understand the Term Proxy

Proxy Sites, this is the common word for all the internet users but for active users not for passive one. Even the users that are the active or daily users do not know the perfect meaning of the term proxy. Here in this article I give you an idea about proxy sites. After reading you know much about the term proxy.

Let us consider a simple example to understand the basic meaning of the term proxy. Mobile phones are in common use to every people. Even those who are totally ignorant may use the mobile phones. Therefore, we consider it in example. If you are using the mobile phone by using any network and connect yourself with your family and friends. But one day when you call your friend and you find that your SIM card is blocked due to some reason. Then you are worried and immediately call at the help line number to know what the problem is with your SIM card. There you find the reason for that problem and also there you find the solution of that problem. Same if you are online and go to visit the site like Face book etc and find that this site is blocked, then the solution is Proxy Lists which provides you the proxy site to help you to open that blocked site. This is same as you can to the help line when you find that your SIM card is blocked.

From this we know that proxy site is actually the indirect connection that connects you to the site which is blocked. There are also many other purposes of the proxy sites but this is the basic one. Some users may also use the proxy sites to keep their computer systems safe from different kinds of viruses.
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